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Petri Flex 7

Petri Flex 7

The Petri Flex 7 is a single lens reflex camera introduced by Petri in 1964 and is claimed to be the worldā€™s first SLR with a fully integrated cadmium sulfide light meter. Known by many as ā€œthe poor manā€™s Contarexā€ for its superficial (and most likely intentional) resemblance to the Zeiss Ikon Contarex ā€œBullseyeā€, the Flex 7 was marketed as Petriā€™s flagship model and was supposedly meant to compete with the nigh untouchable Nikon F. Advertisements put special emphasis on the cameraā€™s auto-indexing feature (meaning that the lensā€™s aperture setting would be automatically relayed to the body), the fact that its integrated light meter had an in-viewfinder indicator, and how Petriā€™s mastery of mass production meant high quality cameras at low prices.